about us

The Freedomforcuba.org platform is a citizen’s movement that emerged from the protests that took place in Cuba July 11,12 and 13 of 2021, to ask for an end to the dictatorship, make known what is really happening in Cuba and, above all, to solicit support from individuals and institutions that would promote the establishment of a democratic regime in Cuba.

More than 600 Arrests Reported after…


More than 600 Arrests After…


Hundreds of Cubans are Still Under Arrest

Yamelic Bernal Mother of Liam Sánchez Still Under Arrest in Cuba

Rosa María Payá Director of Cuba Decide (Cuba Decides)

The man who appears screaming in this video is my brother who was telling the whole truth to the Cuban dictatorship.

Via Telephone from Cuba

“They fractured a rib; they beat my head; they threw me to the ground; they trampled me; they took me to the police station; they put me in a car. I was handcuffed. They put the handcuffs on their hands. They broke my head. They cut my face with the handcuffs as if they were metal knuckles.”

Madre, “Ten days praying to God for my son, that it will end soon, that they realize my son is innocent, that they will free him.”

Broadcaster, “There is no consolation for this mother who has been on edge since July 11 over the arrest of her son, Liam Sánchez. The 25 -year- old musician was walking in Havana while documenting the protests with his cell phone. He never expected to be violently arrested by the police.”

Mother, “I thought I would die, would die. My son was saying, ‘Help me! Help me!’ and then he said a word. And it is hard to say I can’t help you. And every day I start to cry. And every day I think I will say, mom is here. But nothing. No one can talk to him.

Broadcaster, “They were able to locate him in the prison at 100 and Aldabó. And even though his grandmother has gone daily and pleaded to see him, they have had no luck. In Miami, his mother is sleepless and does not let go of the cell phone for an instant.”

Mother, “Every day I write [text] him your mom misses you. Every day.”

Broadcaster, “It is the same anguish shared by hundreds of families that implore the regime to free their loved ones.”

Broadcaster, “The organization Cuba Decide (Cuba Decides) has documented about 627 arrests. Approximately 100 have been freed”

Rosa María Payá, “Actually, that is a very partial number. We estimate that there are thousands of Cubans, especially young people, who are under arrest, or are missing detainees. One of their main concerns is for their physical well-being.”

Broadcaster, “The man seen in this video was beaten, arrested and luckily freed already.”

Man, “They fractured a rib; they beat my head; they threw me to the ground; they trampled me; they took me to the police station; they put me in a car. I was handcuffed. They put the handcuffs on their hands. They broke my head. They cut my face with the handcuffs as if they were metal knuckles.”

Broadcaster, “He is praying the world will not forget those who are now in prison for being on the streets to claim liberty. From Miami, Florida Lourdes Hurtado Telemundo News.”

Asesinato extrajudicial de Diubis Laurencio Tejeda durante las protestas cívicas del 11J. Muere durante la represión y asalto policial al barrio de la Guinera.
Asesinato extrajudicial de Diubis Laurencio Tejeda durante las protestas cívicas del 11J. Muere durante la represión y asalto policial al barrio de la Guinera.

Libertad quieren todos en Cuba
Libertad quieren todos en Cuba

Rebelión libertaria del pueblo cubano (11J)
Rebelión libertaria del pueblo cubano (11J)

El niño Christopher Lleonart Santana, 14 años. Recluido Centro de Formación Integral (Combinado, para menores de edad) por manifestarse el 11J.
El niño Christopher Lleonart Santana, 14 años. Recluido Centro de Formación Integral (Combinado, para menores de edad) por manifestarse el 11J.

Asesinato extrajudicial de Cristian Barrera Díaz, 24 años, padre de un hijo de 1 año y mes. Su familiares piden justicia y acusan al régimen de su muerte. Detenido durante las protestas pacíficas del 11J.
Asesinato extrajudicial de Cristian Barrera Díaz, 24 años, padre de un hijo de 1 año y mes. Su familiares piden justicia y acusan al régimen de su muerte. Detenido durante las protestas pacíficas del 11J.

Brutal represión policial contra manifestantes pacíficos de las protestas del 11J, en especial hacia las mujeres.
Brutal represión policial contra manifestantes pacíficos de las protestas del 11J, en especial hacia las mujeres.

El Proyecto Emilia [The Emilia Project] (www.cubalibreconemilia.org) was the first point of reference to set this initiative in motion.

El Proyecto Emilia [The Emilia Project] (www.cubalibreconemilia.org), was launched and is managed by Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet González, Carlos Manuel Pupo Rodríguez, Jorge Omar Lorenzo Pimienta, García. Its leaders and representatives outside of Cuba are Roberto Azcuy and Alfredo M. Cepero.

For further information, we suggest that you call Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet in Havana (Residence): 011 537 699 1774, (Mobile): 011 535 385 6925, Roberto Azcuy in Miami: 785 305 3230 and Alfredo Cepero in Miami : 305 322 7111.


1. 1. Peaceful Protests

Map Indicating location of Protests

2. Videos

2.1. Havana

2.2. San Antonio de Los Baños, Havana


2.3. Alquizar


2.4. Florida, Camaguey


2.5. Santa Clara


2.6. Sancti Spiritu


2.7. La Güinera


2.8. Unidentified Location


3. 3. Minute 15:33 Díaz Canel states that the government will be in the streets combating and willing to do anything for the sake of having the demonstrations cease thus inciting a civil war.


4. 4. After Canel gave the order for “combat”. WARNING. There is sensitive content!

There is no confrontation from police in these videos

Videos released after internet was once again connected

Video from Pavel Giroud